It's always challenging to know where your child is ride wise. Some children ride like they were born on a bicycle, others take a little longer, so basing it on age is tricky. To make it easier to get an idea of skill level and what ride space they need to begin in, we have developed a phase-based programme.
Each phase recognises certain elements required for ride-ability and we work on the specific skill levels to get the kids moving up the phases where they feel confident and comfortable.
Phases of MTB ride-ability
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase 6
Push Bike and Training wheel category.
The rider is able to scotch, or pedal forward on a bicycle with training wheels, or a push bike where they use their balance
Learn2Ride: Lose the training wheels/Transition from a push bike to a bicycle with pedals
The rider is aged between 3 and 8 and wants to go solo.
We remove the training wheels with the rider present to let them see that we are transitioning to a bike making them THE BOSS.
With push bike riders, we recommend that they NOT transition to training wheels, but in fact to a bicycle with pedals without stability.
First riders/ Beginners
The riders have transitioned and can pedal by themselves.
They are a little wobbly and learning to change gears.
These riders have the basics from the learn2ride.
These riders have a good understanding of riding.
We work on breaking techniques, utilising the gears correctly, balance and control. Understanding basic obstacles. Learning to roll down. We investigate skinny's and power ups. We start to learnt techniques like ratcheting and rear wheel awareness. We work on berms and corners. We work on fitness and rides are fun.
They enjoy riding and want to get stronger.
We work on confidence and understanding techniques for safe riding.
They want to take part in the school series.
They ride once a week
These riders are fitter than phase 4 and have a great understanding of riding.
We work on more advanced breaking techniques, more technical obstacles. Bike-Body Separation. Learning to roll down. We progress to thinner skinny's and power ups. We use techniques like ratcheting and rear wheel awareness with obstacles o the course and we work with awesome venues such as St Stithians, Grootfontein and Thaba Trails.
They LOVE riding and want to get stronger. They want to take dominate in the school series and want to take part in XCC events.
They ride at least 3 times a week
These riders are fit and have an understanding of technical terrain.
They can lift the front wheel comfortably, load and explode, and have a GREAT understanding of balance with the bike. They take part in XCC and XCO events. They want to fine tune techniques for potential podium. We work on advanced skills with awesome venues such as Grootfontein, Wolwespruit and Thaba Trails.
They THRIVE on riding.
They ride more than 4 times a week